Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tex-Mex Sweet Potato

First let me tell you how wonderful sweet potatoes, or yams are for you. They are loaded with vitamin A and C.  Also high in calcium, iron and protein.  This is a great vegetable that can kick start your healthy lifestyle.  Many of you may only think of sweet potatoes once a year, at Thanksgiving.  That's when we load it with butter and sugar to do everything in our power to make it as unhealthy as possible.  I am here to tell you that you may want to start buying them every time you go grocery shopping. You can do so many things with these guys, and there are so many recipes on the internet. You just have to Google it, and everything from breakfast to dessert recipes pop up.

 I make these for lunch a lot. It is very filling, and you can use good stuff like cheese and sour cream.  Really you can use your imagination with this, just like a baked potato.  Whatever you have in the fridge will work.

1 sweet potato
Shredded cheese
Green onions
Black beans
Prepared Salsa
Sour Cream

Wrap potato in paper towel, punch holes in the potato to vent.
Bake in microwave for 4 minutes, then flip the potato and bake for 4 more minutes.
Cut open potato and stuff with all your ingredients.

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