Monday, April 15, 2013

Stuffed Peppers

I am sharing my friend Bobbi's recipe today. I met Bobbi in San Diego and we became friends while surviving deployment. This may sound silly but she was my first true vegetarian friend, not your vegetarian until we go out to dinner kind, but a true all the time kind. I was amazed by her commitment and the fact that she liked to cook was even better. Her recipes for social gatherings were always wonderful and I think I asked for every recipe. This was wonderful for me since I was changing so many of my families eating habits at the time, but I am sure Bobbi thought I was crazy.    She then found herself wanting to change to a vegan lifestyle. She started slow but soon her family of four became vegan.  One time she came over to my home and made vegan cupcakes. They were wonderful and you really couldn't tell the difference.

She post most of her pictures and recipes on Instagram and they all look wonderful.  I have always looked for vegetarian and vegan recipes, mostly to give my family other healthier choices then just meat. I asked Bobbi to share some recipes with me from time to time for my blog. It's never a bad idea to try new things and look for healthier options.

Raw Bell Peppers (12 mini or 4 regular)
Paring knife
Crock Pot
Tomato Sauce
Meat-generally hamburger but can use veggie meat or chicken/pork
Rice-generally white but I would suggest something a bit healthier like brown rice or Quinoa!
Salt and Pepper

don't cook the peppers before stuffing them, they will cook in the crock pot.
to hollow out the peppers- cut around stem with the paring knife, pull stem out and scrap/scoop/shake all seeds out.

Stuffing mix: Aim to have a 50/50 mixture between rice and meat
cooked rice- about 1 cup dry rice makes plenty of cooked rice for this recipe.
uncooked hamburger or veggie meat crumbles(u can substitute any meat.....chicken, pork
salt/pepper to taste

Cook: Stuff peppers and add to crock pot, try to stand up right then pour tomato sauce over the top to just about cover the peppers.
the small peppers only take about 1-2 hours, but the larger peppers will take longer just plan on 4 hrs. 

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