Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Salad

Ahhhhh...Spring Break! The family and I decided to take a trip to Grammy and Blues! Nothing like driving 14 hours with heavy traffic to make you re think your entire trip. Though once we arrived, we were greeted with more love than anyone deserves. A downfall to the military life is you can feel alone most days, you have no roots and your family is too far away. My husband and I were asked where we were from and we actually paused, because we really couldn't come up with an answer. It was actually comical afterwards.

Coming home is bitter sweet but you have to enjoy it while you can. Once we arrived home my mothers kitchen filled with family. Brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.  The only way to be together is over food and drink in our family. We laugh, argue, tease, and discuss how to save the world. I was so lucky this visit to see so many of my siblings. For all our different personalities we all enjoy each other very much.  We would probably look like a circus to most people but I wouldn't change it for anything. While I was home I got to swap some recipes with my family. My sister shared this salad recipe with me and it's as simple as it gets. It taste yummy and really makes you think of spring.

1 bag of salad
1/2 cup grapes cut in half
1/2 cup red onion diced
1/2 cup mandarin oranges
(I added 1/2 cup avocado since I had one around)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Poppy Seed Dressing

Line all the ingredients up just like in the picture in a big bowl, then pour the dressing on top. It is a beautiful salad. Enjoy!

This was probably the healthiest thing I ate all week!

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