Saturday, March 9, 2013

Pizza Night

Saturday night we made our own pizza.  I have found that with my kids, the more choices and ability to make their own, the more they eat.  Make your own pizza night is a great way to have the kids be creative and eat veggies too.  

I started with cleaning out my fridge.  I found cheese, pepperoni, pineapple, bacon, Italian sausage, and all the veggies that needed to be eaten before they went bad.  I spent about 10 minutes cutting the veggies, and grating the cheese.   My husband helped out and cooked the bacon and Italian sausage while I went to a princess birthday party with my daughter.  I made the whole wheat crust earlier that day, since it does have to rise. You can always freeze your dough to make pizza another day. I got the whole wheat recipe from

I found it easy to make and my little girl helped in the kneading. The picture above is after the dough ball has doubled in size.

Time to make the pizzas! I cut the dough into 4 separate pieces, and rolled them out to the desired size. We like a thin crust so I did them very thin. Then the kids took over.  I put everything out so the kids could construct as necessary.  I found that it was easier to decorate the pizza on the cookie sheet instead of the plates. This way you do not loose your toppings during transfer.
The Final Result!!

I also made a veggie pizza, along with a ricotta and Italian sausage pizza.  The lighting had left the room and the pictures did not turn out as well but tasty nonetheless.  We mixed up a little Italian seasoning and olive oil to dip the crusts in which was a nice way to make sure all the crust got eaten. 

My husband and I really enjoyed them.  The kids came back for more and they thought it was fun to eat something they helped make.  I hope that you enjoy this easy recipe--don't be afraid to be creative and try your own toppings. 


1 comment :

  1. Definitely a great idea to expose them to a wide variety of ingredients and food types while they’re still young. Kids tend to be less picky if they’ve tried out something before and it doesn’t necessarily taste bad. And incorporating it into pizza is just pure genius!

    Carlene @ Incredible Pizza
