Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Little About Me...

A Little About Me...

I enjoy finding recipes that my family will like, are relatively healthy, won't break the budget, and will be fun to make.

I have been a full time military spouse and stay at home mom for the last eight years. I am proud of what I do and have done. I have always enjoyed cooking. Creating something out of my hands and receiving instant gratification from those who enjoy it.  I was raised in the south where my mom always cooked dinner, usually fried and dee-lish, but not always healthy.  I appreciate my roots but as I have grown and been blessed with three children who all have very different eating styles I have had to adapt. It is now my mission to make sure my food is both healthy and tasty. I realize that the food industry, for all the good it does, it isn't always looking out for my family. That is where I come in. I have to make smart and balanced decisions that will allow our family to live a  healthy lifestyle.

This blog is a way for me to share my recipes, other blogs, and websites that help me with my mission. Don't get me wrong, I throw down some hot dogs and box mac n' cheese, and thoroughly enjoy some delivery pizza. I am not about to say we are an all natural family 100% of the time. I firmly believe that everything in moderation is a good thing. I just want to share my passion, which is ultimately cooking for my family.

Welcome to my kitchen!

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