Sunday, March 24, 2013

Deviled Eggs

As Easter approaches I have started thinking of all my favorite Easter foods. My all time favorite Easter food is deviled eggs.  They always take me back to my childhood, we never had a family holiday without them.  They are a simple dish that is very budget friendly.  I enjoy the basic recipe but these days you can do all sorts of things to these little guys.  I have even seen guacamole put in the center.  This recipe is how my mom taught me to make them.  I made these yesterday morning and by lunch they had been devoured by my clan.

Note: How to cook the perfect boiled egg.  Put the eggs in the pot of water to boil. Once the water comes to a boil let boil for 5 minutes. Then turn the burner off and let the eggs sit in the warm water for another 5 minutes. This should keep your yolks from turning green.  I always make one extra egg, just in case one is destroyed while peeling and I like a whole egg in my deviled egg mixture.

7 hard boiled eggs (one for the mixture)
1 tablespoon dill pickle relish
1 tablespoon mustard
2 tablespoon mayonnaise
salt/pepper to taste
paprika for garnish

Cut the eggs long ways.  Remove egg yolks.  Mix egg yolks, one whole egg, relish, mustard, and mayonnaise.  Salt and pepper to taste.  Spoon mixture into cut eggs.  Garnish with paprika.

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