Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lighter Egg Salad

Well, summer is coming to a close, with school starting right around the corner.  This means the end of vacations, and vacation eating.  Yes, over the summer I do indulge. Visiting family all over the country allows me to justify the overindulgence of food and drinks.  It's time for all those extra summer pounds to come off and it's time to start paying attention to what I eat.  Now I have to listen to the skinny girl that lives in my head, that I dream of being one day, screaming at me while I try to get back to the gym and take off my summer indulgence.  I really dislike her!

This is a quick and easy light lunch with lots of protein.  You can always substitute the mayo for plain yogurt but be prepared for a tangy zip.

2 whole hard boiled eggs, crumbled
4 hard boiled egg whites, crumbled
1 tsp yellow mustard
1 tablespoon low fat mayonnaise
1 tablespoon chopped stuffed Manzanilla Olives
Salt and Pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients and Enjoy!

How to make Hard Boiled Eggs:
Put eggs in a large pot and cover with water.  Put on stove top over high heat.  Bring to a boil.  Boil for 5 minutes and then turn the heat off and let the eggs cool in the water.  This will allow them to continue to cook while cooling.

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