Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fathers Day Antipasto

Like most men, my husband loves meat and potatoes.  He has been a great sport with how I have changed our eating habits and rarely ever complains about dinner.  His favorite type of food is anything Italian, and when we were first married, I made pasta all the time.  I have since cut pasta dishes down to about once a week and it's usually whole wheat pasta.  Again, he never complains but on the occasion when I make something from the old days, his face is priceless.  This fathers day I am going to share some of his favorite dishes.  These little antipasto appetizers are great.  They are easy to make, great at a party or just to eat as dinner. This is a man-favorite in my house.

Sliced salami
Cherry tomatoes
Marinated artichokes hearts
Fresh mozzarella pearls
Salt and Pepper

Pre-heat oven to 350'.  Using a greased muffin pan, place salami in the pan, making a cup shape. Bake in the oven for 8 to 10  minutes or until crispy.  Let the salami cups cool. Mix the other ingredients in a small bowl. Place mixture in each cup. 

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