Saturday, May 4, 2013

Whole Wheat Gnocchi with a Gorganzola Sauce

  I was happy to see these whole wheat Gnocchi is the commissary of all places and thought I would try them.  They are usually found with the pasta or in the bakery. Gnocchi can change up Italian nights, which usually consist of pasta in our house. ,These guys are easy to cook and the sauce is an easy basic white sauce.  Gorgonzola cheese has a nice bite and is melts very smooth, but you can use any cheese here.  You do want something with a sharp taste to really make the dish.  As you can see, there are not many Gnocchi in my dish, because I kept eating them while I was cooking.

1 box whole wheat gnocchi cook
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1/2 cup milk
3 oz Gorgonzola cheese

Cook Gnocchi following box directions.
In a sauce pan over medium high heat melt the butter.
Add the flour and mix well with butter.  Let cook for a minute or so to flavor the flour.
Pour in the milk and bring to a boil. Stir the sauce often, the sauce cans stick to the bottom of the pan. Once it comes to a boil, lower the heat and let the sauce thicken. It should coat the back of the spoon.
Once thicken, turn the heat off and add the cheese. Stir to melt the cheese.
Pour over Gnocchi and serve immediately.

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