Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Left Over Yolks!

Did you know that according to the surgeon general you should only be eating one egg yolk a day.  If you think about it, even if you don't eat eggs you may be eating more than one a day.  If you eat ice cream, cookies, cake, or even a pancake you are usually eating egg yolk.  Egg yolks carry most of the calories in the egg and are also high in cholesterol.  I am not trying to persuade you into eating egg whites or cutting out sweet treats.  Just a little knowledge for you guys to ponder!

I usually eat egg whites in the morning and I don't buy the egg whites in the cartons. I use my eggs at home and separate them.  This unfortunately leaves me with many egg yolks at the end of the week.  Since I am married to a man who waste nothing, I am left to get a bit crafty with my yolks!

I am sharing some recipes I have found online in case any of you guys out there are looking for ways to use some left over yolks!

How to Freeze Egg Yolks

Place one egg yolk in each ice cube cavity of a clean ice cube tray. Add a pinch of salt to each yolk (if you plan to eventually use them in savoury recipes) or a pinch of sugar (if you will use them in sweet recipes). Freeze overnight until solid, then transfer to an airtight freezer bag.
To use, thaw in refrigerator and then mix well. They will keep in the freezer for up to three months.
Leftover egg yolks can also be refrigerated for 3-4 days.

 Cheese Straws (BBC Food)

 Ginger Cupcakes (Cooks.com)

 Basic Aioli (Gourmet Sleuth)

 Hollandaise Sauce (Cooking Nook)

 Caesar Salad Dressing (Food.com)

 Mississippi Mud Pie (RecipeLand)

 Fettucini Carbonara (All Recipes)

 Lemon Pound Cake (Southern Food)

 Chocolate Mousse (BBC Food)

There are many more, you just have to search egg yolk recipes!

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